Our Founding Team

Sylvia, Professor Sarah Dryden Peterson & Jacques
Mbeleni was founded by Professor Sarah Dryden-Peterson (a then PHD student from Harvard University),
https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-dryden-peterson-79b368/ and her two research assistants, Kyohairwe Sylvia Bohibwa, a Ugandan and Jacques Bwiira, a Refugee of Congolese origin.
Mbeleni was founded on recognition of the fact that while there are a number of efforts by government, humanitarian agencies and many other diverse stakeholders to address Refugee’s plight in Uganda, the scope is still small and calls for strengthening.
Need to enhance Refugee support efforts in Uganda
Refugees face insufficient access to essential services, unrealized rights, and unmet empowerment needs. Women, girls, youths, and children lack comprehensive support, from psycho-social care to education and economic empowerment. Additionally, there's a crucial gap in their awareness of popular relevant governing laws and policies. Mbeleni strives to bridge these gaps, ensuring holistic support and empowerment for all.

Influx of Congolese refugees in Kyaka II Refugee settlement.